The extension, the graduation, the 007 operation, the day my house won the football finals during the interhouse sports, going to the kitchen after or during night prep and a host of others.
Least Fav. GISS Memories?
The times that I was made to run to the assembly ground, walking around with soap in my ear or with my fly undone. Raising the national anthem (That was quite funny and embarrassing), being punished in front of my juniors. My sim cards & audio cds getting seized.
Favorite GISS Teachers?
Uncle P.H.E, Uncle Nonso, Arewa, Macarthy Mark, Gozie, Uncle Mark, my 2nd music teacher that left when she got married, Jss 3 int science/SS 2 Physics aunty. Etc
Your Most Memorable GISS Sayings/Slangs?
Your left leg, I dey H, all the tian that were flowing freely,
What Are the Lessons You Learned From GISS?
Cherish and love all the people in your life and make them feel appreciated cuz you never know the value of what you have till it's gone